Canoeing USA turns to American Rivers, the best source for news updates on the currentstatus and future plans concerning the rivers of America. Another great source for newsconcerning America's paddlers is American Whitewater.Each of these organizations is non-profit. Their agenda concerns the protection of our waterresources as opposed to profiting by the destruction of them. They offer news that all of usas concerned paddlers should be interested in.Melanie Nelson is a lifelong resident of Oklahoma and is no stranger to the crazy weather thestate is infamous for. Starting her family made her take a special interest in disasterpreparedness in order to protect her loved ones and everything they’ve worked so hard for.Through Disaster Prepared, she hopes to help others stay prepared … and stay alive.We All Live Downstream.
Canoeing USA turns to AmericanRivers, the best source for newsupdates on the current status andfuture plans concerning the riversof America. Another great sourcefor news concerning America'spaddlers is American Whitewater.Each of these organizations isnon-profit. Their agenda concernsthe protection of our waterresources as opposed to profitingby the destruction of them. Theyoffer news that all of us, asconcerned paddlers should beinterested in. We All Live Downstream.